Welcome to my site!
Ozyegin University AB2 Building #B61
+90 216 564 9570
This site represents my academic, professional, social and personal portfolio. It also serves as an organizational tool for me to use to keep up with the various projects and activities I am working on; and others to keep in touch with me. Feel free to poke around to learn a little about me and what I do.
- born may of ''76 -> named by the inspiration of the Deluge in the time of Prophet Noah
- elementary school -> gained math and business skills by spending time in our grocery store
- middle school -> learned to be honest with myself and to laugh at myself along with the rest of the class
- high school -> honed to have a life change, computers
- undergrad-> learned the meaning of love and death, began to earn money and a living myself
- master --> experienced another face of academy, not safe, made a critical decision (got married)
- ph.d. -> refreshed my faded values and rethought the meaning of life and relation one more time.
- tenure -> renewed my freedom to make decisions about how I want to spend my time.
- full -> have justified pride of coming back to Turkey to inspire my successors, make sure my research has an impact and I can take more risks and responsibilities with more leadership.
Research Interests
- Adaptive Educational Multimedia Development
- Mobile Applications
- Assistive/Special Education Technology
- STEM Education
- Smart Material Development